Wednesday, March 19, 2008

View on NegaraKuKu

Many supported the video and said it’s very nice and yada yada the list goes on and on.I'd say the video just … rubbish. Why?Before I explain why, let me provide you all with an explanation of the whole NegaraKuKu song. Which is indeed, enjoying to listen.The translation of NegaraKuKu:=================================================

He started out with Singing NegaraKuKu with Malaysia's National Anthem music, then talking about how much he loves his country. He made a really good metaphor about whatever he said with a durian(a Malaysian fruit), saying even though the durian(whatever he said) can hurt people's feeling but the scent(meaning) of the durian can be both nice and smelly depending on our own nose(different approach).

Then, he talked about our Malaysian polices that don’t write any summons because they're thirsty for some tea (corruption), followed with a very nice song of our remixed National Anthem.Later on, he said this matter (the corruption) should not have any changes because as we bribe the policemen, we wouldn't any summons. So when he reaches home, he wouldn't get restricted from using the car by his dad. When that happens, he would not have a chance to out to look at Ah Kua (She-males) anymore.

Then, he said he likes Malaysia because at every 5 A.M in the morning, there will be a morning call to wake him up due to the shrieking noise from the mosque. He even said some of the prayers prays like chickens but they wake up earlier than the chickens: lol:.

After that, he advice us not to blame our government because the government only take care of the Malays and we’re not to whine because the minorities (he mainly speaks for the Chinese) did not get an equal treatment. This is for Chinese to prove that they are not afraid of extreme workloads and the Chinese be independent unlike the others that are still being breastfed. :lol:He concludes those by singing the Malaysian Remixed National Anthem.

Later, he comments about the people who work for the government. He said that they can be very slow at whatever they doing even until those who are queuing up are swearing. The workers' emotions will not be affected at all. Sometimes they government servants even eat their kuih(err, a kind of Malay food) despite the long queue, and they're not bothered at all. Then, he said it doesn't even matter if you really swear because the guards are taking a nap and he wouldn't give a damn at all.

Following that, he commented about the Malay girls who wears a tudung(a cloth that covers their head) that are slow at crossing the road. We, as drivers should be extra careful not to knock them. He mentioned that the most important thing is that they're happy and living in harmony and not to learn all the hastiness practiced by the Chinese because it’s very tiring. He envies all the slow acts but cannot do anything about it because it is the style of the Malay to be slow at everything.

After a little bit of music, he said everything he said in this video is about goodness and those who hate him should be very happy right now. While the others are living in harmony with no riots (the picture doesn’t look harmony to me), the Chinese are migrating to another country such as Taiwan.

Next, he talks about our local universities that are extremely hard to enter as a Malaysian Chinese and we shouldn't be unhappy about it because the government has plans for us Malaysian Chinese. The government wants us to find our own hope at foreign country so that when we come back, we'll be able to help build our own country. He sarcastically praises this plan though.

In 2007 the year Malaysia celebrates 50 years of independence; Malaysia is spreading all the Chinese traditions while the government doesn't even give a damn about the students at private Chinese schools who throw their cert into the drain like himself (Wee Meng Chee), he graduated at a Chinese school and went to Taiwan, the government expects him back to do goodness to Malaysia while he's playing his Guitar at Taipei.=================================================

Well, The translation might be a bit off somewhere which I have no idea how to translate into English.Here is what I have to say about the video though.It is certainly enjoying listening how he speaks for all of us that are restricted from commenting about these sensitive topics. But the way he approaches these thing is really so disappointing. Not to say that I want to be offensive or whatever, I'm just pointing out where he should be patching.

Let's start from the starting of the song, the metaphor he used is perfect, I actually love that very much.About the corruption part, this is utter rubbish. First of all, the policemen wouldn't get bribed if the drivers did not say things like "Brotha, boleh tolong sikit ah?" The rapper (Wee Meng Chee) obviously bribed thousands of policemen after he got grounded by his dad for doing Wee Meng Chee's Happy Time while driving the car and was slapped with a RM30k summons.

As for the prayer's part, I haven't heard any 5 A.M mosque prayers before. Even if there is one, blaming the other party isn't the right way to settle the problem. This is just like us Malaysians, blaming blaming and blaming. That's all he's good at.Then again, this brainless dude are just lucky enough to have his rich parents (well, I hope those money did not come from robbing the bank :lol:) that are able to send him to Taiwan to study.

On top of that, he shouldn't even be singing out loud there. Yes I know, he's from mass communication, which is what makes him more an idiot because usually those from mass com have big mouths that are impossible to close.I do agree with the government servant part though. The government servants are so god damned slowly at doing everything. That's why I hate to go to any of their office.

Oh, his said his music speaks all the good stuff. How many out of 24 million Malaysians agree with this? He should actually read what are written in the lyrics of his song and say something more ... stupid. Like how he forgets to turn on his brain to think when he sang that NegaraKuKu Song.The rest is pure crap.He's just another attention whore who did not get any attention while he's still a baby and he's not clever enough to obtain any scholarships to enter our crappy local universities (I wonder why he's aiming for local universities, is he mindless or what ?) and tends to crap in every single song he made. Those are the comments about the songs.

As for my personal view on this matter, heck I should say whatever he rapped crapped about in any of his videos has a better solution. I know most of the Malaysian Chinese, including myself is very frustrated with all the unprofessional leaders that have no idea what they're planning to the country. I know Malaysian policemen love being bribed despite wearing the ugly "Tak Nak Rasuah" tag. :lol:I understand the desperate in need of attention of Wee Meng Chee's feeling.I personally admire his creativity to create such a a video. But all these negative creativity can be channeled into better usage.I'm unable to provide any better solutions but if he has the time to crap in his songs, why not think of a better way or a better, migrate to Taiwan and find a psychiatrist to keep him give him some serious attention. Like what they said, “Tak suka ah? Keluar lah”.

But there's no doubt that whatever he had rapped about in whichever songs he made, they speak from the bottom of our heart.

NOTE: I am mainly commenting about this matter with my own point of view. I do recommend comments but please, for the sake of Jesus Christ, try not to flame me.